ECP Treatment - Heart Treatment - Dr Morepen NOW | An Alternative to Bypass Surgery

2017-06-06 7

ECP Treatment -

ECP treatment (or EECP Treatment) increases the blood flow to the heart and opens new blood vessels, which is popularly known as "Natural Bypass". This technology also works as an alternative to Bypass Surgery and Angioplasty and is supervised by a Cardiologist.

This treatment is ideal for people who -

- Have Heart Blockage or Chest Pain (Chronic Stable Angina)
- Have Undergone Angioplasty/ Bypass Surgery in the past
- Want to avoid complications/ be heart healthy for life
- Have Lifestyle Diseases (High BP/ Hypertension, Cholesterol, Diabetes)
- Are No Option patients, Low EF, High Risk Patients.
- Have PVD, Ischemic Stroke, Heart Stroke.

Clinical Evidence show that 90% of angina / chest pain patients benefit from "ECP Treatment" and can prevent surgery.

So why wait. Check out today!